Power of Hugs

Power of Hugs
beyond description

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Mask-Less Wonder.

Saturday, 08 May 2010 at 02:15

He was smart. Always had been. Maybe a little too smart... for his own good, that is. He could whip out a witty retort or one liner like no other... and more often then not, he was encouraged by the laughter of others. However, more often then not, his comments were found to be targeting someone. At first he did it as a security blanket. Something to hold on to, to try and fit in wherever he went. People like to laugh, and so they like the ones who make them laugh. He rarely ever targeted the same person, or at least not on purpose. If they always open themselves up for the kill, well that wasn't really his fault, now was it?

Eventually, he grew accustomed to it, and sometimes he went too far. Sometimes he had the inkling that he may have caused some emotional strains, but he was far too deep in his hand built mask to be able to pull himself off the well beaten path of destruction he had so readily carved for himself. And so he continued in his shallow existence, thriving on the idea that he had friends, how ever misplaced this idea was.

It wasn't long before his own shell grew and grew until finally, it developed his entire being. He was effectively isolated from the world, unable to communicate with anyone or anything anymore, besides the occasional greeting, or joke. He was the person that everyone talked to, but nobody knew or loved. His mask was too much for him to bear, and so he did the next best thing, and left. Out of home, out of town, out of state. Packed up and left.

After wearing a mask for so long, it was very hard for him to leave behind. Without really noticing, it ended up following him. He knew that he had left it behind, but gradually it reappeared, until one day it was suddenly back. The world saw him, but knew him not. He embraced the mask like a long lost friend amongst a sea of strangers.

He grew with his mask for a very long time, and as he wore it more and more, it grew on him more and more. He knew that his mask made him hideous, but he could not take it off, for the face underneath was even more grotesque. If people could not like his mask, how would they possibly ever like the face it hid?

One day, however, he met a few people who were different. Wherever they came from, or where they obtained their fairy-like powers, he knew not. But for some reason, when they first talked to him, they did not stare at his mask, but instead at the only part that was not covered- his eyes. He figured it was just a coincidence, there was no way anyone could be interested in what he had hidden for so long. He continued to hold on to his mask for dear life, but to no avail. His new found friends wrenched it off of him, and despite his obvious flawed appearance, they displayed no signs of horror, nay, they seemed to even love him!

Suddenly, it all hit him. His mask made him ugly. It was not a mask of beauty, but instead it was created to hide beauty. The beauty that the Creator had placed inside of all of his works was being squandered selfishly by a hand made mask of lies and deceit. The real mask, was the mask he wore while looking in the mirror, and he was only ever fooling himself.

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