Power of Hugs

Power of Hugs
beyond description

Friday, May 21, 2010

The Jigsaw Puzzle

Sunday, 08 March 2009 at 19:04

500 pieces. I looked around. My brothers, sisters, aunts and nephews-all of us together.
A family. And yet-500 was an awful lot, was it not? I'm sure that with 499, I would not be noticed.
And so I left. I jumped from the box. Falling. This world was bigger-much bigger, then the world I knew.
The small valley with flowers and mountains that I helped depict were much smaller then the world they emulated.
But the smell. The smell of hard earned, well deserved freedom. For that's what it was. No chores.
responsibility free. My own master. Freedom. My lungs inhaled it deeply.
Not knowing where to start, I headed off to the kitchen. Perhaps i could find a place among the seasonings and spices.
Squeezing among them. The smell was here. But it was different, not of freedom. It was a strong smell, of a flavorful lifestyle.
Morales thrown-out the window, and in this small world, everything was for enjoyment. But as I sniffed and sniffed, i could not find it. The smell of freedom.
Even here, they were unwittingly a slave to themselves, instead of the master. Despite my insight, I stayed a bit. After witnessing one who had arrived before me, reach his peak enjoyment, I observed-and participated regretfully-in his crash. The fall is highest when at the top, and after a hard nights sleep, I decided to jump from the lower height, then wait and be pushed from the top. I fell far, and resolved to stay away from the troubles that came with living life on the high. Next I traveled to The TV room. Here comfort was Maximized, and everything their was built with that in mind. Still wary from my earlier experiences, I tentatively sat upon a soft cushion. It gave slightly under my weight, and I instantly was reminded of my hard night sleep the night before. The smell here was also different. Not Freedom-of that i was sure. but also not the same spicy kind from the kitchen. It was more a slight flowery smell, but also slightly tangy. the mixture, provided a pleasant aroma. Very soon I was softly sleeping. Time passed.
Every time I awoke, I would just stare at the TV in front of me, and drift off to sleep again. It was very relaxing. A much needed rest from the kitchen. On one such time, I was awaken by a large animal that walked on four legs. it has a dark fur coat, and a long slimy tongue. It licked me a few times, and i was soon covered in slobber. I jumped off the cushion to run for my life, only to discover the animal had run off already bored with me. I happened to glance at a clock. suddenly I realized my folly. I had barely fallen prey to a trap much much worse then that of the spices. Sloth had overcome me, and had i not been saved by my furry friend, I would have been their forever. shaking from the thought of it, as much as in an attempt to rid of some slobber, I headed back home. The differences. As I approached my box, I recalled the only time I had smelled the smell of freedom. It was here all along. Now, back at last, I took a large breath, and nearly choked. My nose was running, for I had a cold, my cardboard was frayed at the edges, and my lungs were clogged with the aromas of the spices. Desperate, I silently returned to my place, although now it was apparent I would never again 'fit' with the rest of the pieces.

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Rita is quite honored, quite impressed to see how God is working in Ben's life. Honored because to know someone with such deep, honest thoughts is not often found in life. Impressed because I see the huge change that has taken place. My only comment is "Thank You God"
