Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
Pride Rock
Tuesday, 18 May 2010, at 19:34
Similarly, as a pathetic human being, I often find that when life goes downhill, I am 'spiritual' and eager to pray and read God's Holy Word. But as soon as the trek through the mud is done, then once again, I am my own god, and my blessed creator is soon placed back on his shelf. I am too eager to take credit for my own works, and not nearly so eager to give credit to the one who deserves it- God. We enjoy making ourselves feel better at the expense of others, but in doing so we overlook God's Word. James 4:10 says that God will exalt those who humble themselves. Should this be the reason for you to practice humility? Perhaps not. But all the same, there is no reason to feel the need to belittle others for a self esteem boost. If you exalt yourself, then God will humble you- how much better would it be for you to humble yourself!
And so I strive to give all the deserved glory to God, my Savior, my Lord, and my Friend.
The higher you climb Pride Rock, the further you fall when humility you find. And whether you find it, or God finds it for you- you will find it!
Death by Love
Thursday, 13 May 2010 at 23:07
Can one love too much? Some would say it is a sin to utter such a phrase, and until recently I might also agree. Let me preface this note by saying that I am in no way trying to sway anyone any which way. You can agree, disagree, be indifferent, or whatever. Comments are appreciated, and much encouraged.
Love is powerful. Nobody who has experienced love, either from a close relative, friend, or the greatest source of all love, God himself, can argue this fact. With a single word, Love can change the world for you. Love is an amazing emotion, and to love someone is probably one of the most healthy things for you, EVER. As awesome as that is, to be loved is even more awesome. To feel the love of God is often very hard. We see his works, and his laws and miracles in the Word, but our mortal minds have a very hard time grasping anything that we can not physically see. I believe that this is why humanly love in its flawed form is so important. It gives us a window into a small fraction of the Love that God shares towards us, his creations.
That being said, love is so strong, that it can also be feared. I dare say that many, for one reason or another, may purposefully choose to be hated rather then loved. If you are hated, then at least you know where you stand- at the bottom of the proverbial hill. I could understand why it is scary to stand on top of this hill, for the more you have, then the more you can also lose. Love can be a bittersweet poison for some, and this makes them push it away. It is like having the ability to win a billion dollars, but then also having a chance to be buried alive, after a slow and painful torture, or simply staying on two feet, safe and sound.
Love, in its pure and unadulterated state is the greatest thing that has even been introduced to anyone. Just like pouring old wine into a new wineskin, or a little mustard on a white shirt, introducing such a pure and amazing thing as love to something as defiled and sinful as mankind produces varying results. It is impossible for such creatures to fully understand love, or to even begin to grasp it. Love is unquenchable, a fire that once ignited, burns within an individual until they feel like they will burst.
Imagine now, a river filled of not water, but instead flower petals. There are so many, that they would threaten to overwhelm the entire earth, if not contained to the river. Suddenly, they multiply five fold. What was once contained, is now flooding the entire planet. Flowers are beautiful, but with so many, even this beauty could become a threat.
Maybe this is a little extreme, but consider the heart that knows not how to love. All his days, he will go on and on, going with the motions, but never actually loving. i doubt he would have very many friends in the world, as without love, most relationships are empty. So suppose one day he has a life changing experience, and his ability to love is increased ten fold. Without many friends, he is limited on whom he can love. Without intending to, I could see it as possible to love what few friends he has, too much.
How, you might ask, is it possible to ever receive too much of something so amazing? The same way that skin turns pale without sun, and the burns easily once it is subjected to sunlight for the first time, a heart that is starved of love, will easily be overwhelmed when the gateways of Love are poured out onto it.
Love... can't live without it, and sometimes, can't live with it.
Love is powerful. Nobody who has experienced love, either from a close relative, friend, or the greatest source of all love, God himself, can argue this fact. With a single word, Love can change the world for you. Love is an amazing emotion, and to love someone is probably one of the most healthy things for you, EVER. As awesome as that is, to be loved is even more awesome. To feel the love of God is often very hard. We see his works, and his laws and miracles in the Word, but our mortal minds have a very hard time grasping anything that we can not physically see. I believe that this is why humanly love in its flawed form is so important. It gives us a window into a small fraction of the Love that God shares towards us, his creations.
That being said, love is so strong, that it can also be feared. I dare say that many, for one reason or another, may purposefully choose to be hated rather then loved. If you are hated, then at least you know where you stand- at the bottom of the proverbial hill. I could understand why it is scary to stand on top of this hill, for the more you have, then the more you can also lose. Love can be a bittersweet poison for some, and this makes them push it away. It is like having the ability to win a billion dollars, but then also having a chance to be buried alive, after a slow and painful torture, or simply staying on two feet, safe and sound.
Love, in its pure and unadulterated state is the greatest thing that has even been introduced to anyone. Just like pouring old wine into a new wineskin, or a little mustard on a white shirt, introducing such a pure and amazing thing as love to something as defiled and sinful as mankind produces varying results. It is impossible for such creatures to fully understand love, or to even begin to grasp it. Love is unquenchable, a fire that once ignited, burns within an individual until they feel like they will burst.
Imagine now, a river filled of not water, but instead flower petals. There are so many, that they would threaten to overwhelm the entire earth, if not contained to the river. Suddenly, they multiply five fold. What was once contained, is now flooding the entire planet. Flowers are beautiful, but with so many, even this beauty could become a threat.
Maybe this is a little extreme, but consider the heart that knows not how to love. All his days, he will go on and on, going with the motions, but never actually loving. i doubt he would have very many friends in the world, as without love, most relationships are empty. So suppose one day he has a life changing experience, and his ability to love is increased ten fold. Without many friends, he is limited on whom he can love. Without intending to, I could see it as possible to love what few friends he has, too much.
How, you might ask, is it possible to ever receive too much of something so amazing? The same way that skin turns pale without sun, and the burns easily once it is subjected to sunlight for the first time, a heart that is starved of love, will easily be overwhelmed when the gateways of Love are poured out onto it.
Love... can't live without it, and sometimes, can't live with it.
What I want meets What I need.
Saturday, 08 May 2010 at 02:34
Give me wealth, treasures on earth.
Give me power, people to rule.
Give me ability, or skills unknown.
Give me a land where freedom reigns.
Let me run where the horses run.
Let me flow where the rivers flow.
Let me walk where kings have walked.
Let me sleep where the flowers sleep.
Make me handsome, may all be in awe.
Make me lovely, on the inside where it counts.
Make me energetic, overflowing with fun.
Make me loving, and unable to hate.
If all were gold, and I had my pick.
If all were mine, to do with as I pleased.
If all were gone, and I owned the earth.
If all were perfect, my life of ease.
I need not liberty, wealth, strength or power.
I need not the ability to make men cower.
I need not skills, abilities or land.
I need my friends, and all else is like sand.
Give me power, people to rule.
Give me ability, or skills unknown.
Give me a land where freedom reigns.
Let me run where the horses run.
Let me flow where the rivers flow.
Let me walk where kings have walked.
Let me sleep where the flowers sleep.
Make me handsome, may all be in awe.
Make me lovely, on the inside where it counts.
Make me energetic, overflowing with fun.
Make me loving, and unable to hate.
If all were gold, and I had my pick.
If all were mine, to do with as I pleased.
If all were gone, and I owned the earth.
If all were perfect, my life of ease.
I need not liberty, wealth, strength or power.
I need not the ability to make men cower.
I need not skills, abilities or land.
I need my friends, and all else is like sand.
The Mask-Less Wonder.
Saturday, 08 May 2010 at 02:15
He was smart. Always had been. Maybe a little too smart... for his own good, that is. He could whip out a witty retort or one liner like no other... and more often then not, he was encouraged by the laughter of others. However, more often then not, his comments were found to be targeting someone. At first he did it as a security blanket. Something to hold on to, to try and fit in wherever he went. People like to laugh, and so they like the ones who make them laugh. He rarely ever targeted the same person, or at least not on purpose. If they always open themselves up for the kill, well that wasn't really his fault, now was it?
Eventually, he grew accustomed to it, and sometimes he went too far. Sometimes he had the inkling that he may have caused some emotional strains, but he was far too deep in his hand built mask to be able to pull himself off the well beaten path of destruction he had so readily carved for himself. And so he continued in his shallow existence, thriving on the idea that he had friends, how ever misplaced this idea was.
It wasn't long before his own shell grew and grew until finally, it developed his entire being. He was effectively isolated from the world, unable to communicate with anyone or anything anymore, besides the occasional greeting, or joke. He was the person that everyone talked to, but nobody knew or loved. His mask was too much for him to bear, and so he did the next best thing, and left. Out of home, out of town, out of state. Packed up and left.
After wearing a mask for so long, it was very hard for him to leave behind. Without really noticing, it ended up following him. He knew that he had left it behind, but gradually it reappeared, until one day it was suddenly back. The world saw him, but knew him not. He embraced the mask like a long lost friend amongst a sea of strangers.
He grew with his mask for a very long time, and as he wore it more and more, it grew on him more and more. He knew that his mask made him hideous, but he could not take it off, for the face underneath was even more grotesque. If people could not like his mask, how would they possibly ever like the face it hid?
One day, however, he met a few people who were different. Wherever they came from, or where they obtained their fairy-like powers, he knew not. But for some reason, when they first talked to him, they did not stare at his mask, but instead at the only part that was not covered- his eyes. He figured it was just a coincidence, there was no way anyone could be interested in what he had hidden for so long. He continued to hold on to his mask for dear life, but to no avail. His new found friends wrenched it off of him, and despite his obvious flawed appearance, they displayed no signs of horror, nay, they seemed to even love him!
Suddenly, it all hit him. His mask made him ugly. It was not a mask of beauty, but instead it was created to hide beauty. The beauty that the Creator had placed inside of all of his works was being squandered selfishly by a hand made mask of lies and deceit. The real mask, was the mask he wore while looking in the mirror, and he was only ever fooling himself.
Eventually, he grew accustomed to it, and sometimes he went too far. Sometimes he had the inkling that he may have caused some emotional strains, but he was far too deep in his hand built mask to be able to pull himself off the well beaten path of destruction he had so readily carved for himself. And so he continued in his shallow existence, thriving on the idea that he had friends, how ever misplaced this idea was.
It wasn't long before his own shell grew and grew until finally, it developed his entire being. He was effectively isolated from the world, unable to communicate with anyone or anything anymore, besides the occasional greeting, or joke. He was the person that everyone talked to, but nobody knew or loved. His mask was too much for him to bear, and so he did the next best thing, and left. Out of home, out of town, out of state. Packed up and left.
After wearing a mask for so long, it was very hard for him to leave behind. Without really noticing, it ended up following him. He knew that he had left it behind, but gradually it reappeared, until one day it was suddenly back. The world saw him, but knew him not. He embraced the mask like a long lost friend amongst a sea of strangers.
He grew with his mask for a very long time, and as he wore it more and more, it grew on him more and more. He knew that his mask made him hideous, but he could not take it off, for the face underneath was even more grotesque. If people could not like his mask, how would they possibly ever like the face it hid?
One day, however, he met a few people who were different. Wherever they came from, or where they obtained their fairy-like powers, he knew not. But for some reason, when they first talked to him, they did not stare at his mask, but instead at the only part that was not covered- his eyes. He figured it was just a coincidence, there was no way anyone could be interested in what he had hidden for so long. He continued to hold on to his mask for dear life, but to no avail. His new found friends wrenched it off of him, and despite his obvious flawed appearance, they displayed no signs of horror, nay, they seemed to even love him!
Suddenly, it all hit him. His mask made him ugly. It was not a mask of beauty, but instead it was created to hide beauty. The beauty that the Creator had placed inside of all of his works was being squandered selfishly by a hand made mask of lies and deceit. The real mask, was the mask he wore while looking in the mirror, and he was only ever fooling himself.
The Real Code of Manhood
Tuesday, 20 April 2010 at 03:51
In my opinion, it seems that in this day and age, males in general have this high and mighty veiw of themselves, and that if any of these unwritten rules are violated, they are sure to be publically ridiculed by all others, should their 'crimes' be discovered. Sadly enough, this tends to be proven true. A good example, would be clothes shopping. A general rule of thumb for guys, is to not try anything on at all, if it can be helped. A couple of weekends ago, I violated this, by not only going clothes shopping, but I was also accompanied by two females, and not only was the sole point of the trip to buy clothes for ME, but I also tried on every single article they handed me. Needless to say, quite a few pictures were taken, (I ended up spending 494$, so had a few outfits at and many ended up on facebook. Almost every single guy who saw these pictures, and knew me at all, made some sort of comment about it. This is just one example of a stereotype that not only fails to treat all as equals, but could potentially serve to isolate people. God created all men (humans) equal, so why should we judge if a guy wants to do something that in general, only females do? Suppose in the above scenario, the same situation occurred, but it was with someone who actually struggled with homosexuality. To him, having girls pick out his clothes would perhaps be a way for him to combat his temptation. Now, he goes to church, and is made fun of. Not only is the love of Christ- a love that he graciously pours out on all- not shown to him, but you unwillingly push him further away from Christ, the Church, and closer to his temptation.
I am in no way trying to say that all guys should act like girls, or vice versa. What I am saying, however, is that as Christians especially, we need to step off of our high horses, and allow reason and logic to prevail. In my opinion, the main contributor to the afore mentioned problem, is pride. I believe that men tend to see it as a sign of weakness to accept help from anyone, let alone a female. Whether you admit it or not, men are meant to provide for, and protect women. I think that deep in every man's consciousness is the same basic ideal. To even think of accepting help from the person you were meant to protect and provide for, is insane. However, while I believe men are to protect and provide for females, I do not think this means in any way shape or form that men can do everything better then women. A real man, in my opinion, is one who is willing to akcnowledge when he needs help, is willing to accept that help from anyone, man or women, and is not ashamed to do so. Obviously, other things may also determine a 'real man', but that is key.
I think that the ancient knights had it right with their 'Code of Chivalry'. If the world were to adopt a stance of chivalry, I think we would be much much better off. I have put together a small list of what I think could greatly help everyone. It is in no way complete, but a step in the right direction.
-First and foremost, obey God's law. (the Bible)
-Treat all others not only as you would want to be treated, but as better then yourself. As Jesus washed his disciples feet, so should we be able to wash the feet of others.
-If you are stronger then someone, either physically, or mentally, or however it may be, use your strength not as a weapon, but as a shield. Defend those who have weaknesses.
Do not let pride get in your way of doing what is right. If you want something, then the fear of what mere humans think should not be a factor at all.
I am in no way trying to say that all guys should act like girls, or vice versa. What I am saying, however, is that as Christians especially, we need to step off of our high horses, and allow reason and logic to prevail. In my opinion, the main contributor to the afore mentioned problem, is pride. I believe that men tend to see it as a sign of weakness to accept help from anyone, let alone a female. Whether you admit it or not, men are meant to provide for, and protect women. I think that deep in every man's consciousness is the same basic ideal. To even think of accepting help from the person you were meant to protect and provide for, is insane. However, while I believe men are to protect and provide for females, I do not think this means in any way shape or form that men can do everything better then women. A real man, in my opinion, is one who is willing to akcnowledge when he needs help, is willing to accept that help from anyone, man or women, and is not ashamed to do so. Obviously, other things may also determine a 'real man', but that is key.
I think that the ancient knights had it right with their 'Code of Chivalry'. If the world were to adopt a stance of chivalry, I think we would be much much better off. I have put together a small list of what I think could greatly help everyone. It is in no way complete, but a step in the right direction.
-First and foremost, obey God's law. (the Bible)
-Treat all others not only as you would want to be treated, but as better then yourself. As Jesus washed his disciples feet, so should we be able to wash the feet of others.
-If you are stronger then someone, either physically, or mentally, or however it may be, use your strength not as a weapon, but as a shield. Defend those who have weaknesses.
Do not let pride get in your way of doing what is right. If you want something, then the fear of what mere humans think should not be a factor at all.
In The Navy
Sunday, 05 April 2009 at 20:24
I joined the Navy like 8 months ago (June 19th, 2008) so I don't know much about life in the fleet and whatnot...
If you can do what your told, run the mile and a half in 12mins or less, do 60 push ups and sit ups in 2mins, and swim, then boot camp is a joke. If not, then you'll learn. Their was some academic stuff, but most of it they force you to memorize, not learn. They had a chance for anyone to go to pretty much any church service they wanted to go to. 3 square meals a day. Pretty decent food too. They let us have a phone call or two, but the time depends on how well your division does. And on your RDC (Recruit Division Commander). My first phone call was supposed to be 15mins, but nobody answered... (that was the worst feeling ever).
After Boot Camp, I went to South Carolina, where my school is, and spent the days learning about electricity and such... each school will be different, so not much point in telling about the specifics.
I do know, that when your in boot camp, they drill all these ideas into you... most of which, are ideas that nobody else actually follows... the further you get in the pipeline, the less people watch over you.
The one thing that annoys the most, is that it always seems their are a lot of pointless musters. We might muster in one room at 0530, then they just tell us to come back at 0730, so we can wait around for 0800, so we can come back at 1130... stuff like that...
All in All, its not too bad. Some times I wish i had never joined, other times, I feel proud that I'm serving my country. I am not sure i would rejoin, if i could go back in Time, but now that I am in, I will probably re-enlist at least once. It is also a good way to move forward in life, get paid for it, and gain valuable experience. If you live in an area with poor economics (Mancelona?), then this gives you a lot of options, after you get out. Before joining, take the ASVAAB, and see what your score is, then research what jobs are available with that score. You also want ones that the promotion rate is fast. Some rates, you get stuck and never promoted... some you start out higher then most people get in 2 yrs. Hope this helps.
If you can do what your told, run the mile and a half in 12mins or less, do 60 push ups and sit ups in 2mins, and swim, then boot camp is a joke. If not, then you'll learn. Their was some academic stuff, but most of it they force you to memorize, not learn. They had a chance for anyone to go to pretty much any church service they wanted to go to. 3 square meals a day. Pretty decent food too. They let us have a phone call or two, but the time depends on how well your division does. And on your RDC (Recruit Division Commander). My first phone call was supposed to be 15mins, but nobody answered... (that was the worst feeling ever).
After Boot Camp, I went to South Carolina, where my school is, and spent the days learning about electricity and such... each school will be different, so not much point in telling about the specifics.
I do know, that when your in boot camp, they drill all these ideas into you... most of which, are ideas that nobody else actually follows... the further you get in the pipeline, the less people watch over you.
The one thing that annoys the most, is that it always seems their are a lot of pointless musters. We might muster in one room at 0530, then they just tell us to come back at 0730, so we can wait around for 0800, so we can come back at 1130... stuff like that...
All in All, its not too bad. Some times I wish i had never joined, other times, I feel proud that I'm serving my country. I am not sure i would rejoin, if i could go back in Time, but now that I am in, I will probably re-enlist at least once. It is also a good way to move forward in life, get paid for it, and gain valuable experience. If you live in an area with poor economics (Mancelona?), then this gives you a lot of options, after you get out. Before joining, take the ASVAAB, and see what your score is, then research what jobs are available with that score. You also want ones that the promotion rate is fast. Some rates, you get stuck and never promoted... some you start out higher then most people get in 2 yrs. Hope this helps.
Friday, 21 May 2010 at 2020
I am rapidly approaching my two year mark in the Navy. I have been picked up as staff at the Prototype in South Carolina. It seems to me that the navy is a very wise choice for those who seek to have a steady career in life, work hard, and reap good benefits. It is however, not for the person who does not wish to work. I have been working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week for the past two weeks, and shall for about another month or so. That being said, some days I might work 8 hour days, or have a 4 day weekend. In the long run, I would say I come out about even. Would I join again? I believe God led me to the navy so that I could come to Charleston, and meet the many wonderful people I have been going to church with. I know I am in God's will, and so I cannot help but say I would rejoin given the chance.
The Jigsaw Puzzle
Sunday, 08 March 2009 at 19:04
500 pieces. I looked around. My brothers, sisters, aunts and nephews-all of us together.
A family. And yet-500 was an awful lot, was it not? I'm sure that with 499, I would not be noticed.
And so I left. I jumped from the box. Falling. This world was bigger-much bigger, then the world I knew.
The small valley with flowers and mountains that I helped depict were much smaller then the world they emulated.
But the smell. The smell of hard earned, well deserved freedom. For that's what it was. No chores.
responsibility free. My own master. Freedom. My lungs inhaled it deeply.
Not knowing where to start, I headed off to the kitchen. Perhaps i could find a place among the seasonings and spices.
Squeezing among them. The smell was here. But it was different, not of freedom. It was a strong smell, of a flavorful lifestyle.
Morales thrown-out the window, and in this small world, everything was for enjoyment. But as I sniffed and sniffed, i could not find it. The smell of freedom.
Even here, they were unwittingly a slave to themselves, instead of the master. Despite my insight, I stayed a bit. After witnessing one who had arrived before me, reach his peak enjoyment, I observed-and participated regretfully-in his crash. The fall is highest when at the top, and after a hard nights sleep, I decided to jump from the lower height, then wait and be pushed from the top. I fell far, and resolved to stay away from the troubles that came with living life on the high. Next I traveled to The TV room. Here comfort was Maximized, and everything their was built with that in mind. Still wary from my earlier experiences, I tentatively sat upon a soft cushion. It gave slightly under my weight, and I instantly was reminded of my hard night sleep the night before. The smell here was also different. Not Freedom-of that i was sure. but also not the same spicy kind from the kitchen. It was more a slight flowery smell, but also slightly tangy. the mixture, provided a pleasant aroma. Very soon I was softly sleeping. Time passed.
Every time I awoke, I would just stare at the TV in front of me, and drift off to sleep again. It was very relaxing. A much needed rest from the kitchen. On one such time, I was awaken by a large animal that walked on four legs. it has a dark fur coat, and a long slimy tongue. It licked me a few times, and i was soon covered in slobber. I jumped off the cushion to run for my life, only to discover the animal had run off already bored with me. I happened to glance at a clock. suddenly I realized my folly. I had barely fallen prey to a trap much much worse then that of the spices. Sloth had overcome me, and had i not been saved by my furry friend, I would have been their forever. shaking from the thought of it, as much as in an attempt to rid of some slobber, I headed back home. The differences. As I approached my box, I recalled the only time I had smelled the smell of freedom. It was here all along. Now, back at last, I took a large breath, and nearly choked. My nose was running, for I had a cold, my cardboard was frayed at the edges, and my lungs were clogged with the aromas of the spices. Desperate, I silently returned to my place, although now it was apparent I would never again 'fit' with the rest of the pieces.
A family. And yet-500 was an awful lot, was it not? I'm sure that with 499, I would not be noticed.
And so I left. I jumped from the box. Falling. This world was bigger-much bigger, then the world I knew.
The small valley with flowers and mountains that I helped depict were much smaller then the world they emulated.
But the smell. The smell of hard earned, well deserved freedom. For that's what it was. No chores.
responsibility free. My own master. Freedom. My lungs inhaled it deeply.
Not knowing where to start, I headed off to the kitchen. Perhaps i could find a place among the seasonings and spices.
Squeezing among them. The smell was here. But it was different, not of freedom. It was a strong smell, of a flavorful lifestyle.
Morales thrown-out the window, and in this small world, everything was for enjoyment. But as I sniffed and sniffed, i could not find it. The smell of freedom.
Even here, they were unwittingly a slave to themselves, instead of the master. Despite my insight, I stayed a bit. After witnessing one who had arrived before me, reach his peak enjoyment, I observed-and participated regretfully-in his crash. The fall is highest when at the top, and after a hard nights sleep, I decided to jump from the lower height, then wait and be pushed from the top. I fell far, and resolved to stay away from the troubles that came with living life on the high. Next I traveled to The TV room. Here comfort was Maximized, and everything their was built with that in mind. Still wary from my earlier experiences, I tentatively sat upon a soft cushion. It gave slightly under my weight, and I instantly was reminded of my hard night sleep the night before. The smell here was also different. Not Freedom-of that i was sure. but also not the same spicy kind from the kitchen. It was more a slight flowery smell, but also slightly tangy. the mixture, provided a pleasant aroma. Very soon I was softly sleeping. Time passed.
Every time I awoke, I would just stare at the TV in front of me, and drift off to sleep again. It was very relaxing. A much needed rest from the kitchen. On one such time, I was awaken by a large animal that walked on four legs. it has a dark fur coat, and a long slimy tongue. It licked me a few times, and i was soon covered in slobber. I jumped off the cushion to run for my life, only to discover the animal had run off already bored with me. I happened to glance at a clock. suddenly I realized my folly. I had barely fallen prey to a trap much much worse then that of the spices. Sloth had overcome me, and had i not been saved by my furry friend, I would have been their forever. shaking from the thought of it, as much as in an attempt to rid of some slobber, I headed back home. The differences. As I approached my box, I recalled the only time I had smelled the smell of freedom. It was here all along. Now, back at last, I took a large breath, and nearly choked. My nose was running, for I had a cold, my cardboard was frayed at the edges, and my lungs were clogged with the aromas of the spices. Desperate, I silently returned to my place, although now it was apparent I would never again 'fit' with the rest of the pieces.
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