Power of Hugs

Power of Hugs
beyond description

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Unleashing of the Monster!

The monster. He was big and black, with green spikes on his back, green slimy teeth, and large yellow eyes. He was covered nearly completely in fur, and had a large awkward tail trailing behind him. His home was not much, just a small cavern really, but in it he had complete control. For he was not alone, not by any means. Inside this same cavern were many creatures, all trying to obtain control of the cavern in there own ways. But it was his cavern. The unicorn would try and have his 'light' shine everywhere, for all to see even on the outside of the cavern, and the leprechaun would try to fill the cave with pretty objects and treasures that reflected even the tiniest bit of light, and the cave itself even tried to take over from time to time. But he-the monster- called the shots. If he wanted the cave to rumble, it would rumble. If he wanted it to be darker, it was darker. The cavern had let him in, before the leprechaun, and even before the unicorn. At first, he had remained dormant, for any who invite the Monster into there cave, soon regret it later, and try to have him extracted. But undetected, he had stayed low, biding his time. And the longer he waited, the stronger he became. Until one day, he had made himself known. Not all at once, mind you, but in bits and pieces he slowly wormed his way into the heart of the cave, where it was easiest to control the entire cave. And now he was there, in control, and the cave was never the same again.

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