Power of Hugs

Power of Hugs
beyond description

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Walls: Defense or Destruction?

Do walls help? Do they hurt? Are they meant for keeping things in, or keeping things out? Do all walls have gates? If a wall has a gate, will it be able to serve its purpose?

Walls. If you never ever let anything get around your defenses, then you will be safe. Or will you be? Is it safe to be inside your walls, with noone to keep you sane, save yourself? Is it possible to prevent anything from entering your haven? With physical walls, perhaps not. With mental walls though, anything is possible. There is always those who are able to penetrate even the highest defenses you throw up however. I think the only real way to ensure victory, is to also mitigate access with others. Create a barrier between your wall and others. Otherwise, even the tallest wall has a chance of being scaled.

On the flip side, if you allow everything to enter your realm, you are destined to have much more fun and pleasure-for a time. For while a wall blocks all, so does a lack of wall allow all. You will be open to all, and this includes pain. Every time you allow something in, it will bring pain. It seems to be a part of the curse of human nature. The saying 'no pain, no gain' comes to mind. While seemingly just a false bravado, the saying seems to hold much more relevance here. If I seek to gain anything from a lack of defense, I will also be subject to pain. Maybe it's worth it. Maybe not. I know nothing worse then losing what you hold dear. And yet, it happens again and again.

So what then? Should I isolate myself from all of humanity? I am obviously the problem. I am the common denominator, and as such, the weakest link. I play the part, but do I fit the role? Apparently not.

Building walls. Unlike physical walls, it is much easier to build mental walls then to tear them down. the stronger the mind, the stronger the wall, and the faster it will be rebuilt. I have lived my life as of yet with no defenses. How much more pain can I take? I do what is right, always striving to hear God's word in all I do. But I need to build. build. build. I need a wall. To let know one in. Safety. Whoever it was that said 'It is far better to love and to lose, then to never have loved before.' was probably someone who has never loved before. Because it is far worse to lose then to have never known. I now wish to possess that which I used to think a waste. Irony.


  1. for in Him, All things are made RIGHT!

  2. I choose to embrace both the positive and negative of this life. How can I know happiness without sadness? This make me think of the C.S. Lewis quote “To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything, and your heart will certainly be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make sure of keeping it intact, you must give your heart to no one, not even to an animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid all entanglements; lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your selfishness. But in that casket- safe, dark, motionless, airless--it will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable, impenetrable, irredeemable.”

  3. Which is better? Broken or unbreakable?

  4. Broken - every time.
    I will always choose broken. Earlier this year, a couple I know lost their six month old daughter. She died in her sleep. They said that if they knew when she was conceived that they would only have her for six months, they would not change anything. As the father of a four month old child, if anything were to happen to my child, I would not trade the time I have had with her for an unbreakable heart.
