Power of Hugs

Power of Hugs
beyond description

Sunday, April 28, 2013


The bottle was empty. I looked at it again, just to be sure, but there was no mistaking it. The bottle was quite empty. I don't remember how it began, or at what pivotal moment it was crucial we conserve what was left of the bottle, but either way, the end was the same. The bottle was now empty. It put everything in perspective, seeing that empty bottle, for what did it matter that we had survived this long, or that we had salvaged what we had from the wreckage, for now, right now, this very minute... the bottle was empty.

We had a small amount of bills of varying american currency, some seats and chairs, a few laptops and other equipment that required an outlet of some sort, plenty of clothes, life jackets, and a very large assortment of metal pieces and parts that may someday be able to be used to our advantage. But all of that was moot- for our bottle was empty. Of all the vast treasures known to man, all of it was of no use to us. We could think, ponder, reflect, and bargain, but no matter how the dice were cast, our bottle, our precious bottle, was empty.

Everything is worthless. Nothing matters. Nothing has any impact on life. There is nothing that really should bring joy, nothing that can impact any decision we might make. What once brought happiness to many is now a reminder of what used to be, or what will never again be. The world is empty, because our bottle is empty. All will be lost soon, because with an empty bottle, we will soon be starved of that what our bodies need most, the sweet nectar of life, water.

Perspective granted unto thee, the reader. What matters to you?

The Dark Side

The Dark Side. More often then not, this term is in reference to the 'evil' characters from the great series known as 'Star Wars'. In more general terms, it has become more and more well known as a simple term for evil, or anything that could be viewed as abnormal. Hatred, anger, sorrow, loneliness, regret, fear, shallow thoughts, mean actions, being devoid of feeling- these are all traits commonly associated with those traveling along the 'dark side'. You all instantly think of someone when you hear the phrase, whether they are real or imaginary... but what none of you may think about is what it is that might cause such feelings in a person. It is often said that 'nobody wakes up wanting evil', where the word 'evil' could be substituted with any myriad of words. While that may or may not be true, I believe it could be said that most people desire better things in life then to be 'evil'.

So what then, drive people to be what they are, be it 'good' or 'evil'? It can't be their own natural tendencies and desires, because very few people can be said to 'desire' to be 'evil'. It must then be something that is external to the individual. The first thing to come to mind is their environment, that is to say, their surroundings, the various inputs they are susceptible to on a daily basis. If all they ever hear is love, peace, joy, sharing, caring, and other such feelings and thoughts of 'good', then that is very well what they shall strive to be, as that is the only normal their brain will recognize. But if they are exposed to thoughts of betrayal, hatred, anger, fear, lust,  self loathing, despair, then those are more then likely the thoughts that the brain is likely to latch onto. Ones worst enemy is more oft then not, ones own brain and consciousness. 

But even worse, in my opinion, is the individuals who are bred to think one way, to the exclusion of all else, only to have their world come crashing down upon them when they suddenly realize that there is so much more then what they have previously perceived to be true. For example, a student of the 'light' may think that all that exists is peace and joy and happiness, only to discover rather abruptly one day that their is a plethora of emotions that he has only barely begun to grasp. If the sudden inrush of knowledge doesn't overtake him, he is likely to be all the more curious about these new found emotions and be all the more wiling to embrace is unknowing demise.

But my point in all of this is, simply put, what drives the 'darkness' to be evident in the 'dark sided' people?